Thursday, August 5, 2010

Games Reviews - Exit

Exit, one of the PSP's most unique games thus far, can be thought of as a mashup of Jordan Mechner's classic Prince of Persia (the 2D, puzzle-esque one, not the modern revivals) and Lemmings.

Mr. ESC, an escape artist who rescues people from dangerous situations for pay, uses only his wits and various objects (ropes, ladders, bridges, fire extinguishers) to get them out.

The graphics -- abstract, cel-shaded polygons -- are very striking and emphasize the puzzle-esque nature of the game. The music isn't as unique, but tense and fitting for the game.

Gameplay consists of two parts: moving Mr. ESC around (with D-pad and buttons) and directing the rescued persons to move out of harm's way or to assist Mr. ESC (using the analog nub and triangle). Mr. ESC moves in a rather stilted way, much like the old-school Prince, but controls are capable once you adjust to the slow pace.

And slow-paced this game is. Do not get this game for fast action or for fluid movement; get it for its uniquely involving gameplay and style. It's a long game, too, with many levels included and more downloadable. For its current budget price, it's a PSP must-have.

Exit Feature
  • Intense action puzzler - Players use decision-making skills and wits to escape various obstacles while rescuing people from more than 100 different emergencies. Additional levels are also available for download
  • Do whatever it takes to get everyone out in time - Rescue people and find the fastest way out while braving exploding factories, burning buildings and flooding subways. Players will climb ladders, move objects, and slide down ropes.
  • Turn victims into allies - Saved characters can be enlisted to help move heavy objects, master tricky obstacles and help each other
  • Smooth, stylish character design and movement - Accompanying the intense action are some of the most stylish graphics to be seen on the PSP system, allowing for a viscerally and aesthetically satisfying experience

Exit Overview

Exit's unique graphics and fluid style make this yet another innovative puzzle game in Ubisoft's arsenal. As Mr. ESC, a professional escapologist who can rescue people from just about any situation, Exit players must guide themselves through numerous obstacles while rescuing victims from life-threatening situations. Situations include braving fires, earthquakes and other disasters in various environments such as buildings, hospitals and subways. Players will undertake myriad actions, including running, jumping, climbing onto ledges and climbing down ropes on their way to becoming the ultimate escape artist.

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Post time : Aug 06, 2010 01:05:12

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